Enoteca Al Volto

Words by Simon Difford on 24-May-2014

Enoteca Al Volto image 1

Address: Calle Cavalli, (near Rialto), Venice, 30124, Italy
Tel: +39 (0)41 522 8945
Website: view Enoteca Al Volto’s website
Door: Open door/walk-ins
Style: Wine bar
Food: Tapas/plates & dishes


Hidden down a narrow alley off the northeast corner of Campo Manin and established in 1936, Al Volta is one of the oldest wine bars in Venice. Furnished with rustic wooden tables, bare wooden benches, heavy stools and walls covered with roughly finished planks, the interior is warm and cosy.

Although this place is small, its hidden labyrinth of cellars boasts over 1,000 different, very reasonably priced wines. The labels of many of these plaster the ceiling. Under the glass counter, circular wooden boards are laden with tasty cicheto (small, tapas style snacks). Al Volto is located off the beaten track (between the Rialto Bridge and the old Cinema Rossini), making it very much a locals' haunt.

Stand at the counter and enjoy the wine and cicheto or sit at one of the tables in the small back room. Our favourite spot is at the table tucked behind the door.