The Antelope Pub

Words by Simon Difford on 17-Nov-2013

Address: 22 Eaton Terrace, (off Eaton Gate), London, SW1W 8EZ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7824 8512
Website: view The Antelope Pub’s website
Door: Open door/walk-ins
Style: Pub (traditional British pub)
Food: Set menu
Established: 1780


The residents of Eaton Terrace are twice blessed. They live in Eaton Terrace and they have this charming, gentlemanly and understated old pub on their doorsteps.

Lying just around the corner from Sloane Square, the present building dates back to at least 1780, meaning modern Belgravia grew up around the pub. As the houses arrived so the Antelope acquired a second front door, one for the butler and other grander household, the other for those of lower rank. Once inside, partitions kept them decently apart. The two doors are still there but now all walks intermingle around the island bar with pin-stripe suits and power-dressed women alongside builders washing away the day's dust with a well-earned pint.

It's a warm and homely hostelry with an open fire place, dark wood and club chairs. Plush crush velvet maroon red drapes with gold tassels frame the windows like a music hall stage curtain. Follow the sign "upstairs to upstairs" and you'll find a panelled dining room serving suitably traditional English pub grub.

This is a Fullers' house with a guest ale one of five draught cask ales. Twelve wines by the glass are offered on an adequate wine list with a basic spirits offering.