alc./vol: 35%
Proof: 70°
Vintage: Non-vintage
Aged: No age statement
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This Australian herb and berry liqueur was launched with claims of being “the world’s first true aphrodisiac in a bottle.”
Here at CLASS we like a bit of titillation but there is a time and a place... For us the there is never a good time for this liqueur. We don’t like the Aphrodope name (yes ‘dope’), the explicit bottle or the liquid inside. However, it was the following press release that guaranteed its position on CLASS magazine’s ‘Page of Shame’.
A wicked new liqueur from Australia.
Love in a bottle; tantalising, passionate and a tongue-tingling taste sensation – Aphrodope, is bound to stir your senses and open the doors to life’s pleasures. This unique, new product delivers something magical to the senses to let you live your dreams. You don’t have to seduce your lover – simply Aphrodope them!
Like Booze? Sex? Have I Got A Drink For You. Introducing Aphrodope Elixir
From Australia comes Aphrodope Elixir – an herb and berry liqueur claiming to be the world’s first true aphrodisiac in a bottle.
Aphrodope Elixir is a strong 35% Alc/Vol Liqueur. It is a known fact that alcohol is one of the top ten aphrodisiacs. In small doses it is able to elevate your mood and lower your inhibitions, raise libido and enhance sexual pleasure.
Aphrodope Elixir can have a remarkable effect on the libido of those that may be a bit shy when it comes to flirting and sex. However, dependence on Aphrodope for its aphrodisiac-like qualities can result in mistakes in judgment that you may regret in the morning.
The Aphrodope Elixir recipe is based on herbs, berries and seeds, which are known as natural stimulants, able to promote sexual stimulation and enhance mood.
Some of the herbs used in the Aphrodope Elixir recipe contain natural oils which release fragrance in the air. The smell of Aphrodope Elixir can also be stimulating and arouse senses and libido.
The 500ml bottle (which sells for about £45 - £50) is seductively embossed with a sculpture of ancient lovers and the 50ml cute bottles make a wonderful small gift – a token of love.”
Well delicate readers, there you have it verbatim. Did that make you want to run out and pay over £45 for a bottle?
Sampled on 28/06/2010
Clear dark amber with glints of red.
Fruity nose has aromas of dark chocolate, marinated forest fruit, orange zest, cherry and peach stones (almond).
Syrupy, bitter-sweet palate explodes – overpowering your taste buds which take a while to recover from the shock of the blast. Perhaps comparable to super concentrated Southern Comfort.
Sweet finish has lasting fruit, berry, pronounced cherry and almond notes which mix with almost medicinal flavours and metallic-like notes.
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