alc./vol: 43%
Proof: 86°
Vintage: Non-vintage
Aged: 18 years
Product of:
United Kingdom
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Highland Park 18 year old was launched to critical acclaim in 1997 and continues to be heaped with accolades. The original wide-necked round bottle was replaced an oval-shaped bottle in 2006 and then the "Viking Pride" sub-branding added in 2017.
Sampled on 16/12/2012
Clear, deep coppery amber.
Smoked salted butter, fudge, fresh peach and apricot with a whiff of grilled pineapple, linseed oil, freshly cut sappy wood and seaweed. Water amplifies grilled pineapple notes.
Smoky but slightly honey-sweet with cinnamon led spice, mocha coffee and a touch of eucalyptus. A splash turns this dram fresh, mellow, rich and luscious with grilled pineapple and richer fruitcake more evident with a warming gingerbread spice.
Dry and lightly smoky with fudge, cinnamon and bitter chocolate.
The packaging of Highland Park's flagship malt has much changed over the decades, but has the liquid also changed?
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