Solo Coffee Cold Brew Concentrate

alc./vol: 0.0%


Vintage: Non-vintage

Aged: Unaged

Product of: Product of United Kingdom United Kingdom

Designed with Espresso Martinis in mind, this coffee concentrate is designed to replace freshly made espresso coffee in a cocktail and each one-litre Tetra Pak contains 20 double shots (50ml) of espresso strength cold brew coffee.

The makers are seeking to fix two issues they have identified with making Espresso Martini cocktails in bars:

"Option one: You brew it hot. It takes too long. It melts the ice. Not to mention the fact that it requires expensive machinery and copious staff training.

"Option two: You brew it before the shift, leading to substantial wastage of both coffee and time. Mixing different espressos is coffee sacrilege, and hot coffee cooled down tastes flat and bitter.

They say, "Bartenders have tried to replace espresso with cold brew, but it doesn't quite work. The flavour might be better, but the cocktail ends up watery and thin. So – we got to work. We knew that by brewing cold, the aromatics would not be lost in the cocktails, and having the finished product would make the process infinitely quicker and easier for bar staff. However, cold brew has no oils, so no matter how strong we brewed the coffee it still didn't act like an espresso. After months of trial and error alongside the use of new food technology, we have done it. Espresso strength, cold brew coffee concentrate.

"All the taste of cold brew, with the mouthfeel of an espresso. No weird thickeners, preservatives or foaming agents, just great coffee and water brewed for over 16 hours (what we do best)."

They assert, "the concentrate works straight up over ice, over water (cold and hot), over milk as an iced latte, over ice cream, in a tiramisu, in a milkshake..."

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Raw Materials

Other raw material(s): Coffee


C02 injected? No

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