alc./vol: 4.4%
Proof: 8.8°
Vintage: Non-vintage
Aged: Unaged
Product of:
United Kingdom
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Triple hopped with Phoenix, Northdown and Boadicea, all gown on the farm adjacent to the brewery, this amber bitter ale is appropriately named due to its championing locally grown hops.
Sampled on 06/11/2020
Clear, deep coppery golden amber with thick off-white head.
Piney caramel with brasil nut, blackberry fruit and faint lavender.
Caramel and chocolaty malt with green apple freshness and lightly bitter piney and grassy hops.
Moderately bitter piney and grassy hops balance rich chocolaty caramel.
Well-balanced bitter (piney and grassy hops) sweetness (sweet caramel and chocolaty malt) in a traditional amber bitter ale that's influenced by hops from the valley in which it's brewed.
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