alc./vol: 0%
Proof: 0°
Vintage: Non-vintage
Aged: Unaged
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Amaretto Adriatico Zero is made with a distillate of Filippo Cea almonds from Puglia, Italy. It is a non-alcoholic amaretto with the familiar aroma of amaretto liqueur but without alcohol.
Amaretto Adriatico Zero has less sugar compared to traditional amaretto liqueur and is sweetened with cane sugar (not beet sugar).
Amaretto Adriatico is flavoured with a pinch of sea salt from the Adriatic Sea, hence the name.
Amaretto Adriatico Zero has a 2-year shelf life. Once opened, it is recommended to refrigerate and use within 3 months.
Sampled on 14/01/2025
Clear, deep copper amber.
Comparable toasted almond aroma to a quality alcoholic amaretto. Indeed, perhaps better.
Lightly syrupy mouthfeel with a good almond flavour. (Obviously lacks the intensity and bittersweet peppery bite of a good alcoholic amaretto.)
Subdued but lingering toasted almond.
A viable alternative to alcoholic products in Amaretto Sour and other cocktails.
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