Chicago Mistake

Difford's Guide
Discerning Drinkers (10 ratings)


Orange zest twist expressed and discarded. Garnish with a skewered orange slice wheel & Luxardo Maraschino cherry.

How to make:

STIR all ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass (preferably over a large cube or chunk of block ice).

Read about cocktail measures and measuring.

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* This list may not include all required ingredients.
Price per cocktail is an estimate based on the cost of making one cocktail with the available ingredients shown above and does not include any postage charges.
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Intensely flavoured with sweet notes balanced by generous dashes of bitters.


Josh Morton, owner/founder of Barrow's Intense Ginger Liqueur, introduced me to this cocktail in January 2023, saying, "It's a great low ABV cocktail that came out of me asking a bartender 7-8 yrs ago for an Intense Manhattan - expecting them to substitute out all or part of the vermouth with Barrow's Intense - instead, they replaced the Whiskey. I didn't think it would work but it's amazing - the Punt e Mes make it. It's also how it got its name."


One serving of Chicago Mistake contains 238 calories.

Alcohol content:

  • 1.2 standard drinks
  • 17.41% alc./vol. (34.82° proof)
  • 16.2 grams of pure alcohol
Difford's Guide remains free-to-use thanks to the support of the brands in green above. Values stated for alcohol and calorie content, and number of drinks an ingredient makes should be considered approximate.

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Buy direct from
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£ -.--

Makes a minimum of ... cocktails
Just £ -.-- per cocktail*

* This list may not include all required ingredients.
Price per cocktail is an estimate based on the cost of making one cocktail with the available ingredients shown above and does not include any postage charges.
Buy direct from Difford’s Guide
Difford's Easy Jigger
£8.72 £8.72 exc VAT
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