2 fl oz | Hayman's London Dry Gin |
2/3 fl oz | Strucchi Dry Vermouth |
1/6 fl oz | Crème de noyau liqueur |
2 dash | Orange Bitters by Angostura |
Read about cocktail measures and measuring.
How to make:
- Select and pre-chill a Coupe glass.
- Prepare orange zest and Luxardo Maraschino Cherry for garnish.
- SHAKE all ingredients with ice.
- FINE STRAIN into chilled glass.
- Express orange zest twist over cocktail and discard. Garnish with maraschino cherry.
Recipe contains the following allergens:
- Strucchi Dry Vermouth – Sulphur Dioxide/Sulphites
Strength & taste guide:
Original Savoy and Vermeire recipes for this cocktail specify 2 dashes of crème de noyeaux. I've interpreted this as being a generous 5ml / 1/6oz measure to add a delicate pink hue and a fruity almond note to this Dry Martini-style cocktail.
Adapted from a recipe in Harry Craddock's 1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book where he notes, "We often wondered what Doug did it on. Now we know we are going to try and do it ourselves" in reference to the charisma of Douglas Fairbanks Sr., this drinks namesake.
However, the earlier, Robert Vermeire's 1922 Cocktails: How to Mix Them says, "This drink is named after Senator Fairbank, a personal friend of the late President Roosevelt, of America." Vermeire's recipe also differs from the Savoy in that it specifies equal parts gin and vermouth, and if you'd like to try this version, I suggest 45ml / 1.5oz of each.
Fairbank Cocktail.
Robert Vermeire, Cocktails - How to Mix Them, 1922
Fill the bar glass half full of broken ice and add:
2 dashes Noyau Rose.
2 dashes of Orange Bitters.
¼ gill of Gin.
¼ gill of French Vermouth.
Stir up well, strain into a cocktail glass, and squeeze orange-peel on top.
This drink is called after Senator Fairbank, a personal friend of the late President Roosevelt, of America.
Harry Craddock, 1930
2 Dashes Crème de Noyau.
2 Dashes Orange Bitters.
1/3 French Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Gin.
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass, with a cherry.
One serving of Fairbanks No.2 contains 165 calories.
Alcohol content:
- 1.6 standard drinks
- 25.76% alc./vol. (51.52° proof)
- 22.1 grams of pure alcohol
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