Michael-Angelos Zeimpekis tends bar at Twelve Monkeys in Egaleo.
His vision is to be able to serve imaginative and delicious drinks to his guests. His passion is creating drinks and proving to guests they can enjoy "smart" drinks and special flavours. The team has managed with a lot of hard work, positive energy and a smile to have a perfect collaboration first as a team and also with their guests who come to enjoy their creations.
Created by Michael-Angelos Zeimpekis, Twelve Monkeys, Athens
40ml Italicus
40ml dr loosen Riesling wine
20ml water of Greek citrus (Greek kumquat, Greek lemon, lime, pink & yellow grapefruit)
Citric acids
Pickled onion shallot
My inspiration for this drink came from a theatrical and musical genre that was born in Italy. Adagio is the Italian word used by the conductor to play at a lower tempo.
Adagio is an aperitif that comes to satisfy with its special flavors and the most demanding receiver. It is ideally drunk at the end of the meal, at the end of the day when everything flows slowly, without stress and without obligations.
I tried to prepare an aperitif enriched with different stimuli based on what we are used to as Spritz Italicus, Dry wine, Greek citrus water and oxygen combined with an explosive pickled shallot onion!
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