Denis Lacroix, Deux Point Zero

Denis Lacroix, Deux Point Zero image 1

Denis Lacroix, Deux Point Zero

Autodidactic, Denis Lacroix started the art of bartending by himself about two years ago, highly inspired by cooking, food and a healthy lifestyle. His cocktail recipes are all thoughts around the fruits, spices and vegetables he uses to cook with. His key ethos is making "excellent drinks with simplicity".

Madeleine a l'italicus

Created by Denis Lacroix, Deux Point Zero, Paris

ency 94 image

45ml Italicus
20ml madeleine sirup
800ml fresh pineapple juice
3 dashes orange bitter garnish/ madeleine & lime dust

Madeleine is the french sweet moment by excellence, related to french monarchy in 1755, the creator of this sweet cake is the maid of the king stanislas de pologne, but also within the present moment the best dessert made by mothers in france, it reminds us childhood, that4s why i made a sirup from it, combined with the delicate bouquet of bergamot from italicus, and fresh pineapple juice, its the perfect combo for the type of custommer we have at deux point zero.

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