Photography by Gustavo Flores Paredes & Sofia Castensson
A young and ambitious bartender born and raised in Stockholm with a strong Latino heritage. He has been involved in few top projects in Sthlm in the past few years and is now part of the TAK bar team.
40ml Italicus
20ml Cocchi Americano(coffee bean infused)
10ml Paragon White Penja Pepper cordial
10ml Clear Lime Juice
Inspired by a series of paintings called "The Ideal City" dating back to the late 15th century. It reflex on the perspective of architectural geometry. By studying and understanding perspective we can see that perspective is like a cultural construct. Perspective doesn't just describe a world which already exists, it can actually constructs a world for a viewer.
Perspective brings in a very unique way, the object and subject together, the viewer and the world. When using perspective it is needed to have a structural foundation. The foundation is used to open up the perspective of possibility between all the elements and make them expand.
This is what the idea of architectural perspective means. Perspective is a way how to evolve art to a science. That is what Robin refer to Sthlm his "Ideal City" and his bar "Ideal Corner".
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© Odd Firm of Sin 2025
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