alc./vol: 20%
Proof: 40°
Vintage: Non-vintage
Aged: Unaged
Product of: Germany
German students traditionally mixed Berentzen Korn Schnapps (a dry, clear spirit) with apple juice. Recognising this, in 1976 the Berentzen brothers created this apple flavoured schnapps by blending apple juice with wheat spirit. It proved an instant international success.
Sampled on 10/01/2011
Clear, mid golden.
Apple tart crust, apple turnover and banana cake with buttery Pannatone-like demara sugar and caramel.
Burnt sugar, stewed apple and baked buttery apple tart.
Banana cake remerges with Demerara sugar and stewed apple.
This sample was a new bottle but compared badly to an old bottle on our bar which is 18% alc./vol. and has flavours of rich, ripe, juicy, red apple skin and flesh, sweet but with a nice balancing dryness and a red apple finish. Our rating is down the middle - the new sample (which we think may be faulty) we'd score a 3/5 while the old sample would score 4 or higher. diffordsguide rating: 3.5/5
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