Η μπύρα, το cider (μηλίτης) και το perry (απιδίτης), είναι ζυμωμένα αλκοολούχα ποτά, κάθε ένα
Barley wine has nothing to do with grapes. Instead it is the strongest of beers, with alcoholic strengths approaching those of wine (7 to 12% alc./vol.).
Beers have long been specifically brewed for consumption over the winter months, and such beers given a Christmassy theme are becoming more commonplace.
Helles are full-bodied, light coloured, slightly sweet rich style of pilsner from Munich with a distinct maltiness. Hell means light in German and Helles
Why saison is the gin drinker's ale Many consumers who once only drank vodka and/or dull Euro lagers are now confirmed gin and IPA drinkers. Their quest
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