28 December


Merry-Go-Round Martini

So we are drinking a...

Merry-Go-Round Martini

Today is Childermas, if you are an Anglo Christian, or Santos Inocentes, if you are a fun-loving Spaniard - the day when Herod supposedly massacred the innocent children and Spain's answer to our own April Fool's Day.

On Día de los Santos Inocentes (Day of the Holy Innocents), Spanish press and TV feature made-up stories, kids play pranks, bonfires are lit and in some villages, kids get to play mayor for the day and order adults to help out around the town.

Alicante sees flour battles in the streets, in Fraga groups of kids throw eggs at each other, in Tremp, people burn a giant paper doll, and in Valencia, kids dress up as if for Halloween and perform the Dance of the Fools.

All sounds a bit exuberant after Christmas? No problem. Enjoy a Merry-Go-Round Martini and watch the season's worries slip away.

National Chocolate Day (USA)

There seems to be an awful lot of obscure holidays out there: Praise a Postal Worker Day, Penguin Awareness Day, and (weirdly) yell 'Fudge' at the Cobras Day (June 2nd).

We thought that National Chocolate Day was one that was probably worth observing though. There's a bit of discrepancy over the exact date - it's celebrated on 28th October... but then celebrated again on 28th December. But...what the hell, jump on board and do your bit in style and with sophistication by mixing a Chocolate Sazerac.

It's also the anniversary of Piero The Unfortunate

On this day in 1503, the splendidly named Piero the Unfortunate passed away, by drowning in a river, after his boat capsized while he was escaping a battle (which he'd lost, natch).

Also known as Piero the Unlucky, Piero was the oldest son of the more charitably titled Lorenzo the Magnificent, and a member of the Medici dynasty that ruled Florence for many years, except when Piero was in charge, of course.

What made Piero unfortunate? His personality, for starters. He was a spoiled, petulant teenager, whose arrogance alienated his wife, his cousins, and the citizens of Florence - so much so that even small children threw stones at him after he gave the city to the French.

When not backing failed coups, or dabbling with the sort of Machiavellian power players who could eat him alive, Piero enjoyed drinking, gambling and plotting revenge on his many enemies.

If you, unlike Piero, feel lucky in life, perhaps you'd like to join us in today's cocktail, the Lucky Lily Margarita, a great tweak on an enduring classic that features pineapple, honey and black pepper. And remember, "Luck favours the prepared."

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