A pinch and a punch for the first of the month! Today is the day for hoaxes, when the world's newspapers sneak fake tales into their august pages and small
April 2nd is officially National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day and if you're American you'll be well aware of this culinary delight – after all the average
A classic of the sticky-dessert genre, the Sundae was created on a Sunday on this day in 1892, when a drugstore owner and church treasurer in upstate New
Carrots, the humble root vegetable, are more than just a crunchy snack. They are packed with essential nutrients, including beta-carotene, which the body
The foodies' bible, Larousse Gastronomique, defines Caramel as Melted sugar that has been browned by heating. That doesn't portray how delicious caramel
At midnight on this day in 1933, Prohibition began to ease away, as beer with a noticeable quantity of alcohol -- a whopping 3.2% -- became, as if by magic,
In 1948, shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) was established, it designated every 7th April from 1950 onwards as World Health Day, a time
In most of Asia, Buddha's birthday, like Christmas, is a movable feast, depending which type of Buddhism and lunar calendar you follow – but the organised
Hei! Tänään on Suomen kielen päivä, aika juhlistaa mahtavia kirjaimia J ja K, sekä lisätä pisteitä mahdollisimman monen vokaalin päälle. Or,
The then exotic banana made its first appearance in the UK this day in 1633 when botanist and herbalist Thomas Johnson displayed a bunch in his shop on
Parkinson's is the world's fastest-growing neurological condition and 1 in 37 people will be diagnosed in their lifetime. Anyone can get Parkinson's, young
More than three hundred years ago today, the English publisher Richard Steele launched the first version of a society gossip and manners magazine that
On this day in 1953, the first book by a one-time British intelligence officer named Ian Fleming rolled off the presses – and James Bond, one of the
This day in 1865, an actor named John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln as he attended the theatre.
Art brings people together, divides opinion, and allows creative imaginations to run free. World Art Day celebrates what is an integral part of every culture
One of film's first superstars, who made his name as the bowler-hatted, cane-wielding Tramp of the silent era, Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr, was born in
Henry Jeffrey of The Guardian and Master of Malt's blog proposed that kummel be dedicated a day of its own at an event with other drinks hacks, including
More properly, the 'International Day for Monuments and Sites' but better known as 'World Heritage Day', the 18 April is a day to celebrate exceptional
Who doesn't like the bittersweet almond and vanilla flavour of amaretto liqueur? It's delicious, indulgent and surely deserved of its own celebratory day.
The Mary Pickford cocktail produces in one's soul the same effect as the provoking grace of its namesake, Ramón Gómez de la Serra wrote in his 1930 book
Romulus and Remus, the legendary brothers who founded Rome, did not have the best start in life. Despite the fact that they were sons of the war god, Mars,
Earth Day is probably the biggest event in the green calendar. More than a billion people, in 190 countries, take part each year. Which is an impressive
Saint George is the patron saint of England and gives his name to the English flag, the Saint George's Cross, a red cross on a white background. (For readers
Built in the neo-Gothic style, New York City's Woolworth Building is a striking landmark and when it was opened this day in 1913, the 60 storey building
Since 1916, both Australia and New Zealand, not to mention some Pacific island nations, have commemorated today as Anzac (Australian and New Zealand Army
Observed annually on this day, World Intellectual Property Day was established by the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2000 to raise awareness
If you didn't know that orange was the national colour of the Netherlands, it wouldn't take you long to realise this on the 27th April (or the 26th April
On this day in 2003, Apple launched its iTunes Store allowing users to purchase and download music. It was the first legal digital catalogue of music to
A British physician named Peter Mark Roget signed off the preface to the first thesaurus of the modern era this day in 1852, his compendium of synonyms
On this day in 1812, Louisiana became the 18th state of the United States, meaning that the Sazerac cocktail, is definitively not French but American.
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