16 November

Zinfandel Day

Elle Loves

So we are drinking an...

Elle Loves

"Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless, With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run." John Keats

Happy Zinfandel Day! Keats obviously knew a thing or two about wine when he wrote 'To Autumn' over 200 years ago, because Zinfandel is best drunk in the autumn. Zinfandel is a hugely diverse wine, a Californian grape characterised by its dark colour, notes of spices and pepper and is beautifully fruit-forward. The perfect accompaniment to autumnal foods like pumpkin, chilli con carne and apparently, katsu curry.

Zinfandel derives its flavours from its soil and surroundings, meaning that there is a zinfandel for everyone – light, juicy, rich, spicy – you name it, Zin has it.
Get cosy as the nights draw in, pour a glass of red in front of the fire and let's toast Zinfandel Day. Or perhaps use a White Zinfandel (which is not 'white' at all) to make a Elle Loves You

Havana's Birthday

Today is Havana's birthday, an occasion that its residents commemorate by walking around the ceiba tree next to El Templete, a shrine placed on the spot where Spanish colonists first said Mass on this day in 1519.

Founded as San Cristóbal de La Habana in a natural bay, the city is today the capital of Cuba and home to around four million people. It is also the epicentre of a vibrant cocktail culture that expanded and exploded thanks to the activities of the cantineros (bartenders) during Prohibition.

We are pretty sure you're already familiar with Cuba's most famous cocktails: the Mojito, the Daiquiri, the Presidente, the Cuba Libre, the Havana Special and, of course, the Papa Doble. So why not Havanatheone, fruity minty take on the island's iconic Daiquiri?

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