Hot cocktails

Words by Jane Ryan

Hot cocktails image 1

For those moments when the thought of a frozen Margarita is enough to send your teeth chattering...

It's easy to forget just how tasty Hot Buttered Rum is until someone offers you a mug of it, or how a Hot Toddy feels delightfully medicinal, a cure-all for winter blues, sniffles and chills. Hot cocktails don't tend to make much of an appearance on menus these days, but there is a depth of warming cocktails out there, mostly from the history books, that are deserving of the modern bartender's attention and skills. Here we present the best of the bunch, from additional top-ups of hot English Breakfast tea to your Scotch to the classic and creamy Irish Coffee.

Remember though, the secret to a hot drink is all in the temperature and aiming for 75 degrees as opposed to boiling will save taste buds a scalding shock.

Hot Toddies

Made with either boiling water or tea, these drinks are best served in a warm glass (pre-fill with hot water and let the glass heat up) and with a citrus twist to bring out the tasting notes.
Hot Scotch & Lemon
Hot Scotch & Tea
Hot Cognac & Lemon
Mexican Tea
Hot Gin Toddy
Hot Grog, with rum.
Hot Tommy, with tequila.
Negus, with port.

With Butter

Melt a knob of butter down in these toddies for a luxe, richer mouthfeel.
Hot Buttered Rum
Hot Buttered Whisky


The classic festive warmer.
Eggnog Hot

Hot Coffee Cocktails

It's not just the old faithful Irish, today there's more to the cannon of hot coffee cocktails.
Irish Coffee
Maxim's Coffee
Mexican Coffee

Mulled wines and ciders

Perfect for making large batches and served to dinner guests.
Mulled Wine
Mulled Apple Black
Spiked Apple Cider
Hot Wine Lemonade
Mulled White Wine

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