Lucas Groglio

Words by Sammy Hemmings and Lucas Groglio

Photography by Havana Club

At: Argentina

"Our vision is to become leaders in sustainability and healthy habits inside the cocktail and spirits industry," says Lucas Groglio, Argentinian bartender and founder of sustainable initiative Coctelería Consciente. "Our main goal is to inspire others to introduce these changes into their day-to-day operations, working together towards the sustainable development of the industry and their communities."

The initiative focuses on promoting sustainability and healthier attitudes in the bar industry. "We raise awareness on topics such as sustainability, circular economy, healthy habits and wise drinking through seminars, pop-up bars, takeovers and other events and initiatives open to members of the industry as well as cocktail enthusiasts and the general public," Lucas explains.

And Lucas believes a conversation around sustainability is long overdue. "My whole life I have been very critical of the world's socioeconomic model that has been ruling the lives of billions for decades and has led us to where we are today, facing the biggest social and environmental crisis in history," he says.

Naturally, Lucas believes there's much more to be down in the way of sustainability. "I like saying, 'It is better to do something than just complain about it'. That is why, we at Coctelería Consciente want to continue inspiring the industry, its members and the communities we impact with our work, raising awareness and working together for a better and more just world," he explains.

And while there's a long way to go, Lucas remains positive for the future. "Even though we are based in Argentina and that means we are outside the sphere of some of the major brands and budgets of the world, every time we have the opportunity to travel or communicate with international colleagues and see what is happening in the US, the UK, Europe and other countries, it's confirm we are walking on the right path," he says.

But, happily, as Lucas says, bartenders and consumers alike are making healthier choices. "Each day we see more and more people being conscious and responsible about the decisions they make, their consumption habits, choosing what's best for their health and their impact on the environment and their community," Lucas says. "We are proud to say that our work has been inspirational for many others who, like us, dream of a better world."

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