
Chris VanDoren’s Avatar Chris VanDoren
7th December 2023 at 06:13
Substitute for the daiquiri bitters? Perhaps the Marg bitters? Or just leave it out?
Kevin Haynes’ Avatar Kevin Haynes
16th December 2023 at 01:35
I just used a few drops of Angostura Orange Bitters and a couple drops of Woodford spiced cherry bitters. No clue if it's accurate, but it was delicious.
David Newfeld’s Avatar David Newfeld
24th November 2023 at 19:04
This was introduced to me in simple form (tequila and kahlua) by a Mexican friend in Japan in the 90’s! His family was a multi generational tequila producer. Toro Bravo for the Spanish name! Delicious!