
Chris Brislawn’s Avatar Chris Brislawn
19th January 2023 at 05:13
No blackcurrant jam but Stevenson's suggestion of cassis was well-taken. Tried 2 oz. ABK6 VSOP, 3/4 oz. lemon juice, 3/4 oz. Trenel et fils creme de cassis de Bourgogne, orange zest, no sugar syrup. A bit tart but on the right track. Basically a Sidecar with the triple sec replaced by cassis; good! Is this known under another name?
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
3rd March 2023 at 10:45
Hi Chris. I've just put live an adaptation of your recipe, which I've taken the liberty of calling Three Poems. Many thanks. (And my thanks to Simon's wife for instigating this.)
7th November 2020 at 18:12
My wife points out that if cassis where used in place of the blackcurrent jam then this would be a real cocktail rather than a mixed drink.