Alt. Spirit Daiquiris

Alternative base spirit Daiquiris

The Daiquiri cocktail may be classically rum-based and many will argue that when made with another spirit a 'Daiquiri' is simply not a Daquiri. But taking such a purist's view arguably negates some delicious cocktails.

While the spirits used in these Daiquiris are not rums, some of these spirits have rum-like flavours – Monkey Shoulder's Fresh Monkey for example which is an unaged grain spirit. And while cachaça may not strictly be considered a rum, like rum it is made from sugar cane.

Absinthe is undoubtedly not a rum and has a very different flavour profile to any rum. However, an Absinthe Daiquiri has a certain ring to it and its base is 82% rum to a mere 18% absinthe. The Islay Daiquiri also comprises far more rum than peated whisky but both these spirits have such huge flavour profiles that their headlining the name of these Daiquiris is justified.

Perhaps make and enjoy these cocktails while others debate whether they are true Daiquiris.

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