Franco Muñoz

Franco Muñoz

Representing: Chile

"Chile is the third country contributing to all greenhouse gas emissions, only topped by China and the US. Worldwide, 1.2 billion tons of food is lost on farms and 931 million tons wasted at retail and consumption goes to waste. That means approximately 40% of all food grown goes uneaten.

Chile is a small country with a population of roughly 20 million people that will make the top the list in the per capita waste of food. This isn't something to make us proud of, but with the "Imperfect is perfect" initiative, we're looking forward to making a change, one kilogram at a time.

Thanks to the Garnished with Good initiative by Ketel One Vodka and the Maifud company, we're partnering to give a second use to the food that was meant to be wasted cause it wasn't in shape or good looking to be sold at the markets, where they look for perfect and uniform fruits and vegetables, but we all know that's something we can't control.

Esperancita, along with Siam Thai is the first two restaurants in Chile to work with Maifud as their first provider of fruits and vegetables, helping to reduce food waste. This project has the potential to work in every bar and restaurant in Santiago, expect to be in 5 places at the end of the month and more than 50 at the end of the year. The (im)perfect Fizz made with Ketel One, Blood Oranges, lime juice and seltzer."

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(IM)perfect Fizz

Glass: Collins
Garnish: Blood Orange dehydrated dust
Method: Shaken and double strained
Ice: No ice

45 ml Ketel One Family-Made Vodka
30 ml Blood Orange juice
15 ml Lime juice
22.5 ml Rich Syrup
30 ml Seltzer
2.5 mg Albumin

Squeeze the blood oranges and lemons with the help of a juicer and filter to remove particulates.

To make Blood orange dehydrated dust:
Dehydrate the pulp of the blood oranges and once they're dehydrated, transform them into dust with a blender.

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