José Enrique Gil Chaves

José Enrique Gil Chaves

Representing: Costa Rica

"In the north of Costa Rica, in the city of Nicoya located in the province of Guanacaste, there is a town called Hojancha, where the indigenous community of Matambú is located, the last settlement of the Chorotega indigenous community where, in addition to a small coffee producer, there are other producers. of citrus and vegetables that tries to place its crops creating value-added products in the market through the local cooperative Coopepilangosta founded by farmers from the area. We work together with the cooperative looking for alternatives for the use of its products, such as coffee husks and citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges in cocktails, in order to bring greater benefits to the producers of the indigenous community of Matambú.

Our proposal is based on using the coffee husks that are usually discarded when processing the coffee, taking advantage of them dry to create together a liquor whose base is a maceration in Ketel One vodka, which we are going to bottle for sale and as a first phase we will give to get to know our homemade liquor in four bars in the area through our cocktail inspired by the most representative cocktail of coffee, the Espresso Martini. We will use Ketel One vodka, homemade coffee husk liquor and homemade coffee bitters to make our cocktail: Espresso Matambú."

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Espresso Matambu

Glass: Nick & Nora
Garnish: Dehydrated lemon
Method: Stir all the ingredients in a mixing glass then strain into the glass.
Ice: No ice

45 ml Ketel One Family-Made Vodka
30 ml Coffee husk liqueur
3 ml Homemade Costa Rica 95 coffee bitters

To make Coffee husk liqueur:
100 grms Crushed Costa Rican Coffee Husk
500 grms Ketel One Vodka

Place al the ingredients into a sealed container and let to infuse for 72 hrs without shaking. Strain and filter. Weigh the resulting liquid and add the 30% of the weight of simple syrup to the mix. Mix and reserve.

To make Homemade Costa Rica 95 coffee bitters:
500 ml Ketel One Vodka
300 grms "Matambu" Process ground coffee
30 grms Cocoa nibs
15 grms Orange peel
8 grms Cinnamon stick

Let all the ingredients infuse for 21 days at room temperature.

To make Dehydrated lemon:
Cut the lemons into slices and dehydrate for 12 hours at 155F.

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