ReBread Society
By Hardeep Singh Rehal
Delicious drinks should be sustainable, and save waste. Here's how I'm doing it: Introducing ReBread Society, mind-blowing beverages from yesterday's bagel and last week's focaccia. I'm Hardeep Rehal, and I'm starting a drinks movement that aims creativity at food waste.
Serious things first.
Tons of food are wasted yearly. Commonly, it's stale bread. Ketel One is helping me out. Their vodka is made from winter wheat at Nolet's windmill in the Netherlands, their mission is also about transforming grains.
Inspiring people.
ReBread Society inspires to make phenomenal drinks with stale bread. Better than binning it, imagine:
By collecting surplus bread from local bakeries, I'm running workshops for the ultra-creative bartender/chef community in Copenhagen. Collaborating with Copenhagen's DTU Skylab FoodLab we develop our stale-bread-based concoctions that includes low- and non-alcoholic options.
We'll livestream everything for FREE.
Everybody should be able to transform their bread into liquid magic. Then we'll launch pop-up events serving ReBread drinks donating all profits to a local food rescue organization.
Inspire communities globally.
ReBread Society is designed so bartenders can use the workshops and develop their own recipes to their community's unique bread culture, helping their bakeries save waste and tackling food waste together.
My Ketel One cocktail.
I re-imagine the classic bread, butter and jam: finely-ground roasted bread, brewed coffee-style (it's incredible), Ketel One vodka and a cordial of leftover rhubarb jam and butter.
Join ReBread Society. Feed your thirst, instead of your trash.
Rebread & Jam
Glass: Rocks Glass - Allegra Whiskey
Garnish: Crouton & rhubarb fruitleather
1) Thinly slice stale wheat bread, brush with olive oil, bake for 7 min in 200C oven.
2) heat 100g Rhubarb jam in a pan and add 80g of water + a pinch of salt. Stir until dissolved.
3) Spread ultra thin on a tray with baking paper, bake for 5 hours on 65C.
Let chill, and slice into a long rectangles, twist into a knot.
Ketel One Family Made Vodka
Ryebread Brew:
1) Bake stale rye bread in the oven for 20min on 180C until crisp and dry.
2) Grind into a fine powder, looking like coffee.
3) Brew on a V60 with 300g 95C water to 30g of ryebread powder.
4) Bottle and chill
Butter Rhubarb Cordial:
1) Warm the 100g of rhubarb jam in a pan with 100ml of water, stir until dissolved.
2) Make sugar syrup in another pan by warming 100g sugar and 100g of water, stir until dissolved.
3) Heat 20g butter in a pan until brown, add the sugar syrup. Set to chill until butter is solid and filter through coffee filter.
4) Add the butter syrup to the diluted jam and add 10g ascorbic acid, stir until dissolved.
5) Bottle and chill