The Balance

The Balance

By Adrián Michalčík

Representing: Norway

"Last decade we spoke about the sustainability of ingredients. But is a hard and fast lifestyle sustainable as well? 

With my community project called "The Balance '' I'd like to bring balance between working and private life back to people, increase their mental and physical health and re-connect with nature.

At first, we need to feel vital, to have the energy for solving problems around us. Another part of the project brings new foraged ingredients and collects plastic from oceans and bars and creates unique re-used plastic items. Organised sessions in nature are divided into two seasons:
- warm season, where we do meditations, hiking and forage ingredients with Kristin Helene Nilsen 
- cold season, where we practice breathing exercises and cold baths, but also collect plastic waste from oceans

People could turn foraged ingredients into "harmony soda" for "The Balance cocktail" and collected plastic wastage from nature and also from bars like Pier42, Himkok and Svanen we turn into re-used plastic coasters with our partner Sindre Fosse Rosness from Norwegian Trash company. 

The Balance cocktail, made from foraged ingredients and Ketel One vodka, served on a re-used plastic coaster with QR code (information about the project) you can enjoy in different bars in Oslo. Profit from selling coasters is invested into health care programs (psychologists, chiropractors etc) for hard-working people from different industries. 
Together we can avoid anxiety, bring back a healthy and balanced lifestyle and help the planet earth be cleaner and more sustainable 

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The Balance

Glassware: Old-fashioned
Garnish: Pickled pine shoots, re-used plastic coaster
Method: Pour Ketel One over ice block and top up with Harmony soda.

40ml Ketel One Family-Made Vodka
80 ml Harmony soda

To make Harmony soda:
1000ml birch water
140ml elderflower syrup
40ml pine syrup
12g dry nettle
4g citric acid
Bring birch water to the boil and set to one side. Add dry nettle, pine syrup, elderflower syrup and citric acid. Infuse for 15 minutes. Strain across cheesecloth and cool down. Set in bottle and carbonate on 45 PSI. Keep in a fridge."

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