How to roll or tumble cocktails

How to roll or tumble cocktails image 1

How to roll or tumble cocktails

Words by Simon Difford

Not to be confused with the 'Cuban Roll' which refers to the rolling motion employed by perficient practitioners of the throwing mixing method, 'rolling' is a gentle way to mix cocktail ingredients.

Mixing a cocktail by 'rolling' is pretty self-explanatory. Instead of violently moving the shaker back and forth it is tumbled over and over in a circular motion between the two hands. While the drink is still mixed in a shaker, it is a very gentle way to mix and chill a cocktail. It's also easier and does not impart the same degree of aeration as the throwing mixing method,

The best-known example of a drink that can benefit from being rolled rather than shaken is a Bloody Mary. Rolling maintains the thick mouthfeel of the tomato juice. Conversely, shaking a Bloody Mary destroys the thick texture of the tomato juice so producing a very thin drink.

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