24 December

Christmas Eve


So we are drinking a...


Today is, of course, Christmas Eve and it's also, rather splendidly, the anniversary of the first time men orbited the moon.

Yes, the three brave astronauts of the Apollo 8 mission spent Christmas Eve 1968 circling the Moon no fewer than ten times, and capturing the iconic Earthrise photo to share with the rest of us. They were supplied with packaged turkey, gravy and cranberry sauce, but nothing by way of Christmas spirits, not even a bottle of fizz.

Unlike the Apollo 8 astronauts, may we recommend you start Christmas off with a bang with the Sabot? A White Lady topped with a little festive fizz.

It's also National Eggnog Day

In America, Eggnog is traditionally served over the festive period and so appropriately Christmas Eve has unofficially been declared National Eggnog Day across the USA.

Wherever you are in the world, why not get into the festive spirit and mix up one of these Eggnogs:
Egg Nog
Cheat's Eggnog
Jeffrey Morgenthaler's Eggnog

It's also the anniversary of the WWI Christmas Truce

On Christmas Eve in 1914 there was an unofficial Christmas truce at Ypres. The Germans decorated their trenches with candles and Christmas trees. Both sides sang Christmas carols for each other, and then met up in no-man's-land where they played football, and gave each other Christmas presents like tobacco, alcohol and buttons from their jackets.

Commemorate the sharing spirit by making an Army Cocktail - in fact, make several and invite your friends round to enjoy them all together.

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