Today is, allegedly, Jesus' birthday, the day he was born in the stable of Bethlehem, and a chance for families around the world to come together and over-indulge in his honour.
But was Jesus born on this day? Probably not, although, should you have time on your hands, it is possible to calculate back through the Bible and come up with an approximate conception date that loosely matches December 25. Early Christians most likely chose the date of December 25 to fit in with solstice festivals such as pagan Yule (from which we borrow pine trees, yule logs and mistletoe) and Roman Saturnalia (from which we borrow gift-giving), and conceivably a later Roman celebration of the sun god, Sol Invictus.
Anywise, we'll be tucking into our 12 cocktails of Christmas Day and other suitably Christmassy cocktails.
Besides being Christmas, today is also the anniversary of the death of Eartha Kitt. This is worth remarking on since she's most famous today for the track Santa Baby.
Singer, actress and cabaret star, Eartha was born, dirt poor, on a cotton plantation in the segregated South, but rose to global fame and, extraordinarily, political activism. During the Vietnam War, she made the First Lady cry with some trenchant anti-war statements at a White House lunch.
We're toasting Eartha, her iconic voice and that insanely catchy track, with a Christmas Velvet Alexander, a drink almost as smooth and creamy as the late, great Ms Kitt. With both advocaat and sherry, it's Christmas in a glass.
We hope you have a great one. Cheers!
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