30 November

St Andrew's Day

Atholl Brose

So we are drinking an...

Atholl Brose

Today is the day when Scots around the world celebrate their patron saint, St Andrew, who intervened in a memorable battle against the Angles around a thousand years ago.

The brother of St Peter, and an apostle himself, Andrew is, surprisingly, not the patron saint of Scotch, or even golf, but of fishermen and Russia. But we still feel it is appropriate to toast him in Scotch, as folk of Scottish descent will be doing tonight.

Our choice for today is the Atholl Brose, a contemporary take on a very old Scotch mix, allegedly named for a Scottish earl of Atholl who crushed a Highland rebellion by filling his opponent's well with the stuff. With oatmeal water, known in its homeland as "brose", plus heather honey, Scotch, Drambuie and cream, it couldn't be more Scottish if it were wearing a kilt.

Alternatively, you may want to follow Harry Craddock's suggestion in his 1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book and make yourself a Bobby Burns cocktail to celebrate St Andrew's Day.

Movember Ends Today

Movember, and November, ends today. And so, chaps, on the dot of midnight you can finally shave those 'taches off. Which must be a huge sigh of relief for everyone who committed to a moustache for Movember and couldn't quite get the topiary right.

More than 5 million people - both "Mo Bros" and "Mo Sistas" - have participated in Movember since it launched in Melbourne in 2003, and they've raised over £300 million for men's health around the world. If you've sponsored a Mo Bro, it's time to pay up. And if you're having a Movember party, do enjoy. And if you've done neither of the above, why not join us in a Mantini, a drink even more manly than the moustache? Cheers.

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