
Production and equipment image 1

Production and equipment

Pleasant Lands is a grain, fruit, and potato-to-bottle distiller. The team has the skill and equipment to crush, press, ferment, distil, age, filter, and bottle in-house.

Henry III designated the country of Kent as the Garden of England to grow fruit for London so happily Pleasant Lands is surrounded by arable and fruit farms. Grains, potatoes and whole fruits arrive from local farms, cideries and breweries to immortalise surplus production into the spirit. Some eighty per cent of apples grown locally are rejected due to being too blemished or imperfect to be sold

They produce whisky from grain, fermenting and unusually distilling on-grain. (What some describe as the porridge in the still method.)


ency 36 image2,200 litre stainless steel fermenters are the perfect size to feed the 1,200 litre American-made hybrid column still, which can be used for stripping or vodka rectification. The other still is a German-made Muller small batch fruit/gin still (another one 10 times the size is on order). Unlike many other distilleries, Pleasant Land has its own bottling line in a dedicated clean room. A wide, varied and ever-growing assortment of casks are an indication of the products that will emerge from Pleansant Land in teh years to come..

There's no such thing as waste

Unusually, Pleasant Land sends all its waste and ullage to feed black soldier fly larvae. These larvae eat worms that eat food waste and stillage. They are fantastic little creatures that are high in protein, dried, and fed to animals.

The worm farm is on the same farm estate as the distillery, and this influenced Pleasant Lands' choice of stainless steel pot stills. Ullage from copper stills has a negative effect on some animals, particularly sheep. Whether copper affects black solder fly larvae has not been tested, so with this very efficient form of recycling in mind, the decision was made to use more animal-friendly stainless steel.

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