How Pallini make limoncello
How Pallini make limoncello

How Pallini make limoncello

The Pallini family has been making limoncello since 1875. They continue to make their limoncello the traditional way, from Amalfi coast Sfusato lemons, but with the benefit of science-led processes introduced by Dr Micaela Pallini, the company's CEO, who has a Chemistry graduate background.

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Pallini Limoncello is made using Sfusato lemons grown on Italy's Amalfi Coast. This lemon variety, specific to the Amalfi region, has very low levels of acidity and a thick peel rich in essential oils, making Sfusato lemons particularly suited for limoncello production.

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Pallini sources their Sfusato Amalfitano lemons from a family-owned lemon grove in Vietri, where they are grown on sea-facing terraces without the use of pesticides.

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The lemons are hand-picked and carried across the steep hills for immediate transport to Pallini's own facility close by in the town of Vietri sul Mare.

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Here, specialised machines are used to peel the zest from the lemons, leaving behind the bitter white pith.

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It is important that only the lemon's yellow skin is used, and this is infused in the neutral spirit for up to eight months. The spirit is derived from sugar beet, selected in preference to wine or grain spirit due to the neutrality of its flavour.

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Harvesting, peeling and infusion all take place within 24 hours to ensure the lemon's freshness and flavour are captured.

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The concentrated Sfusato lemon infusion is then transported to Pallini's distillery in Rome where it is blended with Italian beet sugar and additional lemon oils. Prior to bottling, the liqueur is lightly colour-stabilised to ensure consistency and that the natural yellow pigment is resistant to light damage.

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More information on limoncello production.

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Pallini S.p.A.

Status: Operational
Established: 1875
Visitor Policy: Not generally accessible
Tel: +39 06 4190344
Website: Pallini S.p.A.
Address: Via Tiburtina, 1314, Rome, 00131
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