Good Things Brewing Co.

Lightning strikes! Your help needed!

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More about Good Things Brewing Co.

Status Operational
Established: 2019
Visitor Policy: Visitors welcome some of the year
Tel: +44 (0)20 7780 7499
Founded by Chris Drummond in 2018, Good Things is striving to be one of the world's most sustainable breweries and uses in-house designed, custom-built revolutionary equipment to recycle everything used in the beer-making process, from water to grain. Most notable among the equipment in this most unusual brewery is the "world's first low-energy, large scale, solar-powered dehydrator" which is used to dry the spent grain so it can then be milled using a traditional stone mill to produce wholemeal flour.


Rendlye Farm, The Barn
Sandhill Lane
Eridge, Tunbridge Wells
West Sussex
United Kingdom

The family behind Good Things Brewing are close friends of ours and we have followed their quest to brew truly sustainable beer over the past few years, very much enjoying the fruits of their labour. The brewery was housed in a beautiful 17th-century barn next door to the family home and tragically on Sunday the 25th July 2021 the barn was struck by lightning and burned to the ground.

After surviving the challenges of Covid to then be hit by such a freak event is truly a tragedy. Building a small business is always a struggle, particularly when you aim to do it in such an ecologically friendly way. We are heartbroken for them.

If you would like to support Chris, Kat and the Good Things Brewing team as they strive to rebuild part of their family home and the business housed there, then please see their Go Fund Me page

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