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Jon Sjoberg

Retired biologist after 40+ years of conservation for rare and endangered fishes and other aquatic species in the deserts of western North America. And an amateur... Retired biologist after 40+ years of conservation for rare and endangered fishes and other aquatic species in the deserts of western North America. And an amateur mixologist with a well stocked bar.

United States United States




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Jon Sjoberg’s Avatar Jon Sjoberg
Made this per the recipe proportions with both Bombay dry and Old Tom (a bottle of Tanqueray Limited Edition I found hiding on the back shelf). Both were lovely, complex and herbal. I actually preferred the Old Tom version, to my taste it had more depth and mouthfeel without being overly sweet.
Jon Sjoberg’s Avatar Jon Sjoberg
In the United States today is also the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, which was signed into law by President Richard Nixon on 28 December, 1973. I think I'll have a Jungle Bird to celebrate!
Jon Sjoberg’s Avatar Jon Sjoberg
Very nice and not as sweet as I anticipated, which is a good thing. Complex and dangerously drinkable, actually. Whistlepig Piggyback 96.5 proof rye, Dolin Rouge and Dolin Genepy le Chamois (as I'm out of Yellow Chartreuse).
Jon Sjoberg’s Avatar Jon Sjoberg
Made with half Dolin Rouge and half Punt e Mes, which I think cuts the sweetness a bit, and generous Peychaud's Bitters because I have no Abbotts. The last 2oz from a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. It's very nice and perfect on a cold fall evening in front of the fire.