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Benjamin McCabe

United States United States


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  • Commenter #213
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  • Conversation Starter #173

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Benjamin McCabe’s Avatar Benjamin McCabe
Feel this page would benefit greatly from a video or diagram. "Tumbled over and over in a circular motion between the two hands" can be a bit hard to interpret if you aren't already familiar with the motion being described. Does this circular motion involve rotating the shaker a complete 360 degrees, and if so is it being turned like a cement mixer or being flipped end over end? What should the orientation of the shaker be while doing so? Do you hold the shaker by the ends or in the middle?
Benjamin McCabe’s Avatar Benjamin McCabe
Personally think it works better with Cointreau than Pierre Ferrand.
Benjamin McCabe’s Avatar Benjamin McCabe
I found 1/2 tsp to be an overwhelming amount of vanilla extract, and cut it back to 2 dashes.
Benjamin McCabe’s Avatar Benjamin McCabe
Instructions unclear. Tequila and lime go into one glass, rest of ingredients go into third glass, where's the second glass?