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Mike Gibb

Parents! get your children hooked on cocktails as then they will never have enough money for drugs

United Kingdom United Kingdom


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Mike Gibb’s Avatar Mike Gibb
Hi Simon, the how-to-make instructions should link to the 'Regal Shake (and Regal Stir)' page.
Mike Gibb’s Avatar Mike Gibb
Campari and grapefruit work together so very well!
Very refreshing. This would be perfect for a summer lunch in the garden. Tagged as 'fruity' and 'summer'.

[Old Acquaintance]
Mike Gibb’s Avatar Mike Gibb
Fabulous mix of chocolate and citrus. Your choice of crème de cacao is critical. With De Kuyper's white CdC, it has a (milk chocolate) creme egg richness, though without the over-sweetness. With Giffard's CdC: dark choc, spicier, more complex. Very much looking forward to sourcing a bottle of Joerg Meyer's Dutch Cacao to see what else this cocktail can bring.

[20th Century Cocktail]
Mike Gibb’s Avatar Mike Gibb
Barspoons are an imprecise measure. British marmalade has a lot of pectin (solid, will heap up). Continental marmalade, jams are much more liquid.

Tip 1: for consistency, use kitchen scales. An individual serve pot, think hotel breakfast buffet, is 30g which works well for us.

Tip 2: it's much easier to muddle marmalade with just a little liquid. Get it dissolved before adding the rest.

We usually make one Breakfast Martini and one English Marmalade and then share. It's what Sundays are for.