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Kym Harding

Australia Australia




  • Appreciated Commenter #358

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Kym Harding’s Avatar Kym Harding
I especially enjoy sour cherry cocktails, and the Fernet Branca adds complementary interest and complexity. Nice.
Kym Harding’s Avatar Kym Harding
I’m going to try this again, and tweak it because I really liked it, but think I can do better. Unlike the review above, I found it too sweet, so added a touch more vinegar. It probably also depends on how ripe your tomatoes are. I also added Scrappy’s Fire Tincture which matched well and complemented the pepper. Next time I’ll cut back on the simple syrup, and carefully watch the balance.
Kym Harding’s Avatar Kym Harding
Fernet Branca can be a bit much to me, as I have a genetic sensitivity to bitterness - but I found this very enjoyable. Used Russell’s Reserve 90 proof.
Kym Harding’s Avatar Kym Harding
More subtle than I expected, a very pleasant drink. I like to add Scrappy’s Fire Tincture to bring some bite to the ginger.