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Ulysses Grand




  • Commenter #244
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  • Conversation Starter #129

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Ulysses Grand’s Avatar Ulysses Grand
The very first old-timey cocktail I ever tried, way back in the mid- 2010s. Return to it every few years and still find it surprisingly delicious and an improvement over a Southside. I’d like to eventually do some research to find its provenance.
Ulysses Grand’s Avatar Ulysses Grand
Always found this product works well in shaken cocktails, better than the Rothman & Winter and regular Giffard, for sure. Doesn't get much love, but for the price it's solid
Ulysses Grand’s Avatar Ulysses Grand
Excellent and unusual Flip. One that would be a good accompaniment to a nod by the tree on Christmas Eve.

An interesting historical note: this drink was created the year after the only other (classic) drink I know that contains both Chartreuse and Benedictine: the Widow's Kiss. Can't help but wonder if it was inspired by the recent creation of that most "evocative" concoction.
Ulysses Grand’s Avatar Ulysses Grand
FYI-you listed the publication of Davies' book as 1986 in the lead in to the quote and recipe from that book.