Mixology enthusiast, trying new cocktails every time!
Mixology enthusiast, trying new cocktails every time!
I tried following the recipe but the blended mix was so dense that it immediately clogged the fine mesh. I tried pouring it back and forth + washing the mesh between pours bit I don't think this is how it is supposed to be.
I wasn’t a bit fan of spritz drinks until I visited Italy, now I am. This is very similar to Spritz Aperol, however it is less sweet and more bitter (as expected). A good light summer aperitif for Campari aficionado.
I love beer cocktails. But I've been postponing trying this one expecting to be disappointed.
I was not disappointed at all! This one is surprisingly good, when Guinness and brut sparkling wine complimenting each other. FYI: I used extra stout Guinness.