Suzette au Bal (Suzette at the Ball)

Difford's Guide
Discerning Drinkers (14 ratings)

Servir em

Copo Old-fashioned


Fatia de perda desidratada

Como fazer:

BATER todos os ingredientes com gelo e coar de volta para a coqueteleira. BATER SEM GELO (dry shake) e coar com passador e peneira em um copo com gelo.

1 fl oz Gentian liqueur (e.g. Suze, Salers etc)
1/2 fl oz Pear liqueur (Poire William)
1/3 fl oz Del Maguey Vida Clásico mezcal
2/3 fl oz Suco fresco de Limão Siciliano
1/3 fl oz Sugar syrup 'rich' (2 sugar to 1 water, 65.0°Brix)
1/2 fl oz Pasteurised egg white or Aquafaba (chickpea water) or 3 dashes Fee Brothers Fee Foam cocktail foamer
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Difford’s Guide to Cocktails Book 17th Edition

Perhaps the world's biggest cocktail book! Certainly, our biggest yet, 624 pages, 6cm (2.3inch) thick and weighing 2.25kg (5lb). Our Seventeenth Edition

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Easy Jigger

The Easy Jigger® is a measure designed for use when making cocktails, primarily in the home but also by professional bartenders. It has a unique design

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Hazardous ingredients

Pasteurised egg white is potentially hazardous to those with allergy or intolerance.


Seco e levemente amargo, com ligeiro defumado de mezcal e sabor intenso de pera.


Criado em 2017 por Alexandre Girard no La Queue du Cocq, Annecy, França. Ele nos disse o seguinte: "Suzette é o nome de uma canção francesa. É a história de um cara que se apaixona por Suzette, uma jovem inteligente, gentil e incrível. A cena acontece em um baile local no meio do verão."


153 calorias

Alcohol content:

  • 0.8 standard drinks
  • 11.13% alc./vol. (22.26° proof)
  • 11.1 grams of pure alcohol
Difford's Guide tem conteúdo gratuito graças a apoio das marcas em verde. Values stated for alcohol and calorie content, and number of drinks an ingredient makes should be considered approximate.

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Difford’s Guide to Cocktails Book 17th Edition

Perhaps the world's biggest cocktail book! Certainly, our biggest yet, 624 pages, 6cm (2.3inch) thick and weighing 2.25kg (5lb). Our Seventeenth Edition

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Easy Jigger

The Easy Jigger® is a measure designed for use when making cocktails, primarily in the home but also by professional bartenders. It has a unique design

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