Heinrich Helbing GmbH


Winsbergring 12

Status: Operacional

Fundação: 1836

Proprietário: Borco-Marken-Import GmbH & Co KG

Capacidade: Not supplied

Política de visitas: Pouca acessibilidade

Tel: +49 40 857 731

Now owned by Borco, the story of Hamburg distillers Heinrich Helbing starts with a merchant by the name of Heinrich Carl Graf von Schimmelmann who amassed a huge fortune during the turmoil of the Seven Years War. He acquired the Ahrenburg Estate in 1759 and understandably wanted his own brewery and distillery on the estate. During a visit to Dresden he chanced upon Samuel Ernst Helbing, a young man born into a family of brewers and distillers and subsequently invited him to come and work on his estate.

Helbing’s grandson, Johann Peter Hinrich Helbing, learnt the distiller’s craft from his grandfather and established his own distillery, named Helbingsche Dampfkornbrennerei in Wandsbek on 14th February 1836. It was his son, Christoph Heinrich Helbing who grow the company an established the Helbing name across Germany.

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