Address: 45 Ledbury Road, Notting Hill, London, W11 2AA, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7229 2907
Website: view Beach Blanket Babylon West’s website
Door: Make reservation
Style: Restaurant bar
Food: Set menu
Established: 1990
BBB, as it's affectionately known, opened back in 1990 and is an established part of the Notting Hill bar scene.
Set in an old Georgian house, it has undergone extensive renovation in recent years but retains its famously eclectic decor. Elements of Byzantine, Baroque and Gaudi blend with topiary, while out back the restaurant's interconnecting rooms continue the Baroque theme in an almost monastic setting.
The Mediterranean cuisine is as eclectic as the decor and of a reasonable standard. Sadly, on our visits, the cocktails have been disappointing. BBB still attracts local, moneyed 30-somethings and the spectacular interior remains an experience. However, there are now better places nearby to imbibe cocktails.