alc./vol: 29%
Proof: 58°
Vintage: Non-vintage
Aged: No age statement
Product of:
Averna Amaro is made from an infusion of aromatic herbs, dried flowers, spices and liquorice. Created in 1868 for Salvatore Averna by the herbalist monks of San Spirito Abbey in Caltanissetta, Averna was the first licensed spirit in Sicily and has since grown to become Italy's best-selling amaro.
Sampled on 04/09/2023
Clear, dark chocolate brown with bronze highlights.
Aromatic nasal wakening freshness and spice with cola, bitter orange, herbal bark, jasmine, quinine and cigarette ash.
Bittersweet and lightly spicy. Bitter orange zest, mocha coffee, liquorice, gentian, quinine, caramel, cola and rosemary.
Liquorice, cola and cacao with orange zest and long lingering gentian freshness.
Bittersweet and spicy with cinnamon, cola, bitter orange and chocolate notes predominating.
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