alc./vol: 5.6%
Proof: 11.2°
Vintage: Non-vintage
Aged: Unaged
Product of: United Kingdom
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Theakston's best-known beers and one of England’s most famous ales, Old Peculier has been brewed since the 1890s. Old Peculier is brewed using pale, crystal and roasted barley with two bitter hops combined with Fuggle hops.
Affectionately known as Yorkshire’s ‘Lunatic’s Broth’, Old Peculier references the unique ecclesiastical status of Masham (the Yorkshire town where it’s brewed) as a ‘Court of the Peculier’, a peculier being a parish outside the jurisdiction of a diocese.
Theakston’s recommend serving Old Peculier with rich stews, strong cheeses and sweet puddings.
Sampled on 07/03/2016
(sample bottle best before 31/Dec/16) Clear, deep brown (virtually opaque) with ruby red tones. Thick retentive tan head and light lacing.
Doughy brown bread with charcoal, dungy mocha coffee, floral hops and toffee fudge.
Creamy mouthfeel, toasty burnt malt, earthy chicory coffee, milk chocolate and herbal complexity with subtle cherry and rich fruitiness.
Faint pine and grassy notes emerge in the toasty malt and caramel fudge and chocolate finish.
Full-bodied, dark and strong with a creamy mouthfeel. Old Peculier has a toasty malty character with notes of coffee, chocolate and caramel. It’s a hearty meal of a beer.
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