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This green tea liqueur is made by Suntory who also market their Zen Green Tea liqueur, also made in Japan using Kyoto green tea leaves (grown by one of the most famous producers of fine teas in Japan - Marukyu-Koyama-En, who have been cultivating tea for more than 300 years).
Suntory infuses neutral spirits with whole and ground green tea leaves, then blends this with lemongrass and other herbs and natural flavourings to produce this distinctively brown/green coloured liqueur.
Unfortunately we have not been able to find out much about the Hermes branded product other than is its obviously a quite different product to Zen liqueur, for a start Hermes is crème de menthe green while Zen is a more believably natural yellow-green colour.
Verdant green.
Soapy tea.
Sweet, vaguely reminiscent of green tea but with hints of eucalyptus and balancing tannins.
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