El Jardín del Ritz at Mandarin Oriental Ritz

El Jardín del Ritz at Mandarin Oriental Ritz image 1

Address: Plaza De La Leatad 5, Madrid, 28014, Spain
Website: view El Jardín del Ritz at Mandarin Oriental Ritz’s website
Instagram: @mo_ritzmadrid
Hours: Mon-Thu 17:00-01:00, Fri-Sat 17:00-02:00, Sun 17:00-01:00
Style: Cocktail bar, Hotel bar

The Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid, is a five-star luxury hotel with a Michelin-starred restaurant and Pictura, where cocktails are created to be as visually striking as they are delicious.


Espresso Mieltini (Espresso Martini)
Ketel One vodka-infused with Coffee and Spices, Cacao Liqueur, Espresso Coffee (local shop from Colombia), Honey, topped with White Chocolate Foam and Mace

Helping the community: We use artisanal honey from "El Bosque de la Miel" an association from "Sierra" Madrid that produces 100% natural honey and that promotes sustaining the ecosystem and pollination of bees to protect them.
Cocktail initiative: A cocktail that supports neighbourhood beekeepers that actively protect the ecosystem of the bees.

El Jardín del Ritz at Mandarin Oriental Ritz image 2