alc./vol: 40%
Proof: 80°
Vintage: Non-vintage
Aged: No age statement
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This “Fine de Luxe” Canadian whisky blend was created in 1939 for a state tour by King George VI, and ceremoniously presented to him when he travelled across Canada aboard a special train. The bottle is designed to resemble a crown and the label illustrates a crown sat on a blue cushion.
Crown Royal was introduced into the USA in 1965 where it has subsequently become the best-selling Canadian whisky. In fact Crown Royal is the eighth largest spirits brand in the U.S. and the number one Canadian whisky in the world.
Sampled on 12/10/2015
Clear, mid golden amber.
Buttery nubuck leather, luxury vanilla ice-cream, stewed fruit, cedarwood and caramel with prune, overripe banana, maple syrup and grilled sweet corn.
Sweet maple and buttery dry oak with grilled sweetcorn, vanilla, candied fruit, charcoal and black pepper spice.
Cinnamon and black pepper spice, coal dust and buttery oak finish.
Honeyed and easy drinking with creamy sweetcorn, dry oak, black peppery spiced rye, sweet vanilla and coal dust-like charcoal.
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