New-look Jäger to Raise Funds for Nightlife Industry

Words by Jane Ryan

New-look Jäger to Raise Funds for Nightlife Industry image 1

You may have noticed a different looking bottle of Jägermeister on the shelves of your local BWS or Dan Murphy’s lately. This isn’t a new flavour from the German herbal liqueur, instead the new-look bottle has been made to support nightlife communities around the world following the corona crisis with their campaign #savethenight.

The brand are also providing an additional 1 million Euro globally (AUD $1.6 million) on top of the limited edition sales.

What’s unusual about the change, apart from the glowing illustration, is it’s the first time the brand has ever tampered with its look in its history. Created by German artist Max Löffler, it symbolises the current state of the industry, the path towards better days and hope. “The good times will come again. Until they do, this bottle is for those who make the night. Together, we support them. Together, we save the night,” says Max.

So where’s the million Euro going? Jägermeister says it will be used to help artists, creatives, bartenders or club-owners who are facing never before-seen hard times and are struggling to make a living. This specifically across Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia in Europe, and globally Argentina, South Africa, South Korea, China and Australia.

Beyond the brand’s donation and sales from the bottole, the initiative also consists of a mix of donations, micro-fundings, creative online entertainments such as ‘Meister Drop-Ins’ or ‘Meister Classes’ and support of partner activities.

“The nightlife community is suffering and we need to stand together and help each other through this very tough situation. If we can find a way forward, I'm sure our best nights are yet to come,” says Berlin based Korean artist and DJ Peggy Gou, who has taken on the role of an ambassador for the project.

For more information or to contact your local brand representative head to

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