Malagouzia grape variety

Malagouzia grape variety image 1

Nicknamed, the Greek Cinderella grape, Malagousia is one of the few indigenous grape varieties that's grown all over Greece.

Malagousia was almost extinct by the 1960s but in recent decades been revived in Northern Greece and returned as something of a regal variety in its Central Greece birthplace where it's now renowned for contributing beautiful character and elegance.

Malagousia's grapes can produce fruit-driven, rich-bodied wines even in hot climates. It benefits greatly from cooler sites and on windy slopes, delivering an explosive aromatic and refreshing character.

Greek producers are constantly pushing the limits of Malagousia, creating a full range of styles and wines.

AKA: Malagouzia
Berry/ bunch size: Large berries in large and tight bunch
Alcohol: Medium
Acidity: Moderate
Body: Medium - full
Characteristic: Vigorous and productive, early bud break and early ripening.
Resistance to drought: Relatively high
Style of wines: Rich, zesty and intensively aromatic white wines.
Fun Fact: In the 1970s the grape variety stopped being planted in its Central Greece homeland only to be enthusiastically returned 30 years later where it now thrives.
Food Pairings: Fatty fish like salmon, roasted poultry, creamy sauces, and risottos.

Malagousia produces:

  • Expressive and lively fresh white wines with subtle texture.
  • Full-bodied whites that retain their primal fruit aromas after oak maturation.
  • Blends with other whites that need an aromatic boost.
  • Malagouzia grape variety image 1

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