
Charl Engela’s Avatar Charl Engela
2nd September 2022 at 19:18
I nearly always add a shot of vodka to a bottle (500ml) of syrup as a preservative. The resulting mixture would be less than 1%ABV. Is this a good or a bad idea?
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
3rd September 2022 at 09:29
A great idea, especially if you are not using it quickly.
Patrick Mullane’s Avatar Patrick Mullane
2nd September 2022 at 18:12
I keep my simple syrup in a glass bottle. I make it by pouring the sugar in (2-1), adding hot water from the tap and shaking; it seems to come out fine. Is there any reason that shouldn't work?
Charl Engela’s Avatar Charl Engela
3rd September 2022 at 11:36
I wouldn’t use hot tap water because we have very hard water where I live, but if yours is soft it should be fine. I filter mine first.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
3rd September 2022 at 09:33
If sugar is fine, the water is hot enough and you are patient and vigorous in your shaking, then I can see this method working for rich syrup. It is how most make 1:1 simple syrup.